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Writer: Ninja Antwoord / July 2024


She started hosting back in 2008 when she co-owned a club called Playgirl Wet n Wild. Music has always been a part of her Second Life (SL). She left SL in 2010 and came back in 2016, where she began hosting and hiring singers at another club she co-owned, Gin on the Rocks. Then, in 2020, she went on to manage Club Dynamite with Greywolf Abbot. After a while, she started working with Bad Management, assisting singers. When Bad retired, Kaysie Michigan took over, and she has been with Kaysie ever since—it's been about three years now. She loves her job and all the singers they manage. She thinks SL would be lost without live music. Most of her time in SL has been dedicated to live music in one way or another, whether as a venue owner, hiring and hosting for venues, or directly hosting singers. When Kaysie was recently away from SL, She took over managing all the singers. She doesn't think people realize how much work and money is actually involved in the music side of SL. She has been blessed to see a lot of talent in Second Life.


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