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Patience Roxley

Writer: Seli Blackmore / November 2024


♣ As a Second Life resident and SL ISO musician-actor, how would you describe yourself and your interest in music?

I first heard about ISO after attending the first concert. As a live music venue owner, I was fascinated by the discipline, concept, and professionalism of the shows.

♣ How long have you been a musician-actor in SL ISO? What drew you to this project?

I've been involved for a while now. The sheer number of musicians in one place reminded me of my experiences with the National Youth Orchestra Ensembles. After attending that first concert, I knew I wanted to be part of this adventure.

♣ Are you a musician in real life? How do you relate to music outside of Second Life?

Yes, in real life, I played in brass bands during my youth and can play bugles, trumpet, and cornet at national youth levels.

♣ How do you typically spend your time as a Second Life resident? Any current projects?

I co-own a live music venue and an art gallery called Rainbow Painters. I host at a couple of venues to help cover the overhead costs of the gallery. I enjoy dancing, listening to live singers, and playing games like Greedy, Skippo, and Hand and Foot at home. I also love building and supporting the art community in SL.

♣ Anything else you'd like to add?

I've been a member of SL for 17 years and have made amazing friends from all over the world.

♪ Get inworld issue and read whole interview here :


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